Josefina Garcia Pastor

Josefina Garcia Pastor
Fundació Miquel Valls Spain

Josefina Garcia Pastor 

Fundació Miquel Valls Spain



My name is Josefina, I am 58 years old. I am married and I have six children. 

I was diagnosed with the disease in 2009. My evolution has been very slow, starting with the lower extremities until now, affecting the upper ones, my lung capacity has also been affected but not too much, I use a respirator at night and during the day I get around without it.

Before detecting the disease, I took care of my family by performing 'motherly' tasks.

I also had a passion for art and painting. I designed and created paintings, a challenge for me that throughout my life I wanted to bring to life. However, I left it aside because all my time was covered by other needs. When it was time to give more attention to this dream, it was when ELA appeared. 

After all these years, I have become an observer of life and I have discovered that there are many more things that can give you fullness and full happiness. The role of my family has been exceptional, my husband has always been by my side, firm, constant, giving me all the necessary support to face this painful situation. My children have grown by my side and have gotten used to living with my difficulties. With this they have become strong and they have also known how to realize that within adversity one can find happiness and be part of a difficult situation quite naturally.