Alper Kaya
Alper Kaya
ALS/MND Association Turkey
I am born on August 28th, 1961. I graduated from primary, secondary and high schools in Izmir, Turkey.
In 1984, I graduated from Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Medicine. I worked for 4 years as a medical doctor and general practitioner in various cities in Turkey.
Between 1988 and 1993, I specialized in the Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Cukurova University. I earned the title of Specialist in Ophthalmology in 1993. I have worked as a Specialist in Ophthalmology in Urla, Izmir State Hospital between the years of 1994 and 2004.
In 1990, I was diagnosed with ALS. I was hospitalized with acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, and taken to intensive care unit on March 2004. I was discharged from the hospital with tracheostomy and ventilator support.
I have retired in 2007. Now, I have been living with ALS for over 29 years. I have developed a program with its own virtual keyboard on the computer in collaboration with a friend who lives in Germany. I can still type on the computer with the help of the OnScreenKeys virtual keyboard. I haven't lost my ability to eat and talk yet.
I have played classical and electric guitar extremely well before my diagnosis. I have worked in some music bands, such as the Dream Explorer and Group Alloy, and have worked with the New Folk groups. Recently I try to find ways of making music again. I am interested in assistive instrument and Technologies.
I am married to Elçin in 1987. We have a daughter; she was born in 1991.
My native language is Turkish and I can speak English fluently.
International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations (Former Board member)
ALS/MND Association Turkey (Board member)
Turkish Ophthalmology Association
Turkish Neurology Association